Wednesday, January 26, 2011

'Cider' in Colour!

I haven't painted in a while.  Most of the jobs (Actually all of them!) I had last year were on the black and white line work side of things.  So now I find myself working for a client with a full colour kids book and I'm itching to get back into the world of colour pencils, watercolour and such!
To make sure that my skills are not rusty when I start the final, colourful artwork, I thought I would play with an old favorite;  coloured pencils, mineral spirits and vellum.  The drawing that I chose was a sketch that I did in the autumn of last year called 'Cider.'  A fox and a rabbit enjoying a nice pint of homemade hard cider together.
The trick is that the drawing was done in Wolf Carbon Pencil and I wanted to colour the original.  Which I did and although I do like it, probably won't do that again.  Even though I kept the mineral spirits away from the pencil line, the job would be much easier if I just laser copied the pencil line onto the vellum, coloured it in and then, with the Wolf Carbon Pencil, go over the finish piece.
Here it is:



james weatherhill said...

"Sláinte" !

Mary said...

Very cute! I love how the addition of the apple in the foreground added so much more depth to this. :)

Irene La Zia said...

Oh, fantastic illustration!
I really don't think your painting skills are rusty.