Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tiger Tooth

I'm working on spiffing up my portfolio. It's been over a year since I have updated it with personal work.
So here's one that I'm in the middle of. It's the under drawing to a digital piece that I'm reluctantly calling 'Tiger Tooth.' I really don't know what to name it. I not keen on the title, the name sort of came out of nowhere.
Perhaps one of my viewers could give me a name. I would greatly appreciate it!

Om Shanti
~Pat Ann~


Amy Skidmore said...

Hi Pat Ann. I just found your blog through a link you posted on facebook. Your art and illustrations are so lovely. So glad I found this blog so I can follow your work. I'll dig around and see if I can find a list of some of the books that feature your illustrations. :)

Christina Wald said...

Is this part of your graphic novel pitch? I want to see the story.

There is an article in the new CA about pitching graphic novels but it is not online yet.

Pat Ann said...

Let me know when the CA article comes out. I'd be very interested in reading it.
It wasn't at first intended to a graphic novel pitch, but as I progressed in the illustration, it ended up becoming one. This is usually how I get my story ideas.
(I'm going to presume that you work much the same way.)
So glad that you dropped by! I have worked with two other authors, illustrating a total of 7 books. If you google Sara Button or Emerald Everhart, you'll find some of the books I have worked on. I also have been in Spectrum and Cricket Magazine.

Om Shanti
~Pat Ann~