Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Coming Thru!

Here is Tiger Tooth in colour. I've changed the name to 'Coming Thru!' thanks to the DeviantArt contributor: =dkl78594 .
Now I must sit down in a quiet space and write up a synopsis to a story about a neanderthal boy and his pet smilodon that stewed while I was working on this illustration.

Om Shanti
~Pat Ann~


Anonymous said...

this turned out so very lovely! As always I love esp. how you catched the expressions so well.

Rita Ria

Flanagan The Flower, My Best Friend said...

Hello Pat-ann!
Your work is spectacular! I can't believe I managed to get onto your blogg ! How do I join hands so to speak ? Because if I see you working I'm more inclinded to work. But you lot a jacketflap are soooo good ! I feel like a right fraud - but I love it !

Kieran x mine is http://kieransblogg.blogspot.com

Ginger*:) said...


Raul Avila said...

muy tierno y fresco tu trabajo

Dear Fireflies said...

I cannot believe my eyes when I saw the details in your work...They are all so brilliant!

Pat Ann said...

Gracias nunca tanto!!